- The kids are back to school. I have two VERY regular clients, leaving me with about 2 1/2 hours of tutoring a night. That's a good 8-10 hours a week of tutoring money. A nice $120 to $150 a week.
- Mona signed up for Gmail specificially so we can Gchat during our boring days at work. We keep each other entertained.
- I had my one-year review on Friday--it went well. I've been promoted to "Office Manager" and my payrate got a nice little bump--went from $12 to $14 an hour! That's an extra $320 a month! All going towards the savings! I'll have a little more responsibility here at the office, but I'm sure I can manage. If I can manage my current work load, plus have time to write Blogger entries during the day, I'd say I was desperate for more responsibility.
- Saw Superbad on Saturday.
- Neda's Birthday Party on Sunday was good times. The drinks were flowing, the food was abundant, and I got to hang out with some of my old friends from high school and junior high that I haven't seen in quite some time.
- I have a new little sister from the pledge class that I am currently pledging as pledge mother. She doesn't know it yet, so I can't say who it is, but come September 8th, I'll let you know who it is. I'm super psyched to have her as a little sister!
- Having a slumber party this weekend with Mona and the pledges as a chance for our pledges and their pledge mothers (Mona and myself) to get to know each other better.